Yes, you can impact South Asia!
$25 for Bibles
Most people from other faith desire to own and read an easy English Bible, but unlike other books either it is difficult to find or it is unaffordable. TLA is committed to distribute good English Bible in a subsidized cost to people from other faith. TLA has distributed more than 3000 Bibles in vernacular languages and also in English. Your $25 donation will allow TLA to continue this mission.
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There is shortage of Commentaries, Bible Software, and good Christian reference books, in most rural locations in South Asia. It is not because references are unavailable, but because most Pastors and Christian workers cannot afford to purchase references for their library or for their Church libraries. Your designated gift will enhance the ministries of these saints working with limited resources in Asia.
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TLA is seeking to provide an additional assistance of $100 per month to the deserving pastors and Christian workers whose income is below $ 250 per month and are facing financial hardship. Your gift of $100 per month is one of the ways you can support these saints as they faithfully serve the Lord.
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When the school academic year starts, most Christian workers face financial challenges for their children’s admission fee, purchasing of text books, and stationary. Your Educational Assistance gift can help provide educational support for a deserving child.
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Every year, TLA hosts training program on evangelism, discipleship, interpretation of the Bible, writing exegetical sermons, preaching of the Word of God, counseling, and other leadership skills. However, most Pastors and Christian Leaders are unable to pay for travel and lodging expense to attend these programs. Your $100 scholarship will sponsor a Pastor and Christian Leader for one of these programs. A $3000 donation will sponsor a complete program.
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TLA provides skill development training in sewing and computer for unemployed Christian women and youths from low-income families to become self-reliant member. TLA has offered such training to more than 300 women and 150 youths. This has enabled many to find job and earn money working from home. Your designated donation for this ministry will enable TLA to continue to provide this livelihood skills training.
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With the help of many donors, TLA has distributed more than 200 bicycle to deserving rural area Christian field workers. Your designated donation will enable TLA to equip and empower the indigenous Christian workers who do not have any means of transportation.
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Smartphones are now largely used for social media mass communications. It has become an effective tool for sending messages, pictures, videos and Bible lessons both for evangelism and mentoring. TLA has been blessed to have distributed more than 20 smartphones, but the demand is enormous. Your donation will help a Christian worker whose monthly income is less than $250/- per month and cannot afford to buy a smart phone.
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TLA encourages dedicated Bible school students to finish their formal education and compete an internship experience in a good Christian ministry. So far, TLA has provided one-time assistance to more than 6 seminary students for this transition. We covet your partnership in helping other needy youths. Your support will allow more dedicated seminary Students to complete much needed internship.
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Computers are a great tool for a Christian worker to teach and communicate. Your support to purchase a laptop or desktop will greatly enhance his/her ability to teach and minister. TLA has been blessed to have donated 6 laptops and 3 desktop computers.
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With the vital support from a family, TLA has distributed 65 motorbikes to deserving Christian field workers. The need for transportation for the field workers is great. You can also become part of this great ministry. Your designated gifts will enable TLA to equip and empower the indigenous Christian workers who are living in rural areas and do not have any means of transportation.
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Donors may choose to honor an individual, a family member, or an institution by sponsoring a part of the TLA Training Center under construction in Guwahati, India. The sponsored participation, honorarium, or memoriam will contain the name of the individual, family, or institution.
Available Honorarium, or Memoriam options are:
A Brick ($500); A Garden Bench ($1000); A Driveway Lampstand ($5000)
A Seminar Room ($100,000); Conference Hall ($350,000); One Entire Floor ($450,000)